Sometimes, things just don't go your way. If things are not going well, you can respond with:
It's not going well.
If you're just not sure how you're doing, or you want to keep it to yourself, you can try responding with:
Ti'kwa. I don't know.
If you are under the weather, you can respond with:
I don't feel well.
I don't feel healthy.
Note the change from the short -e- sound in «katökwetha'» to the long -é- sound in «te'katökwétha'».
If you don't want to panic your friend, you can always add in your hedge phrase «aayê' nae».
Aayê' nae te'katökwétha'.
I don't seem to feel well.
Aayê' nae te'köhíyú.
I guess I don't feel healthy.
Ëskôkë' ae'.
I'll see you again.
Note that «hau'» is
also one of the greeting phrases, meaning it is possible to both start
and finish a Mingo conversation with the same word.