General Survival Tips

1) As soon as you learn a Mingo word, never use the English word again. Just slip the Mingo word into an English sentence. Examples:

  • Day One: I have to go to the store.
  • Day Two: I have to go to the thatênínö.
  • Day Three: Ha'tekakôt I go to thatênínö.
  • Day Four: Ha'tekakôt hëke' ne thatênínö.
  • By then you'll be fluent.

    2) Once you know enough Mingo words, avoid English altogether. It doesn't take much. I once knew a Korean who got through two semesters at an American university with just woops and yep. You can get by in Mingo with u'ktúk (I see) and hë'ë (no). Besides, with those two words, people will think you are speaking English and they won't bop you over the head.

    3) Speak only Mingo on Saturdays. If anyone complains, say you are doing it in memory of the Holocaust, you know, the time when the White people killed six million Jews. If they say that was the Germans, say "You trying to say
    Germans ain't White?"

    Auska'a ökwe'öwékhá' ëtkesnye't kës nêkê wênishæte', ne' kaiôni akashææ'ö ne hunö'wëthwë.
    I'm speaking only Mingo today in memory of the Holocaust.

    4) Speak only Mingo at the Post Office. But remember to smile. If you're friendly, White people will treat you nice.

    Tewakatöëtsúni ëkatënyét skahsyöö'shât ëkekanya'k. Aawênithsiyúák.
    I need a twelve and a half cent stamp, please.  Have a nice day.

    5) Speak Mingo to animals. Birds love it. Dogs are very patient with it. Cats are noncommital.

    Uka'ö nae ne tsinöhtaiö'kúwá ne' sôte' u'senyu'tayénô'?
    Did that rat you caught last night taste good?.

    6) Speak Mingo at the grocery store. As you lift things out onto the checkout counter, say what they are in Mingo. Chances are the checkout lady is part Mingo anyway, if you live in West Virginia, eastern Ohio or western Pennsylvania.

    Uthe'shæ', uwânö', ukteæ', kányö'ö úya', utekiya'kö u'waa'...
    Flour, sugar, carrots, apples, buffalo meat...

    7) Set up an American flag in front of your house. Nowadays, it's a form of protest.

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