Surviving in School

1) When you come to class late and the teacher says "Did you realize that time is money?" say:

Sënöhtö' ne' wai úya' nikanöktút hënënöhtônyö ne hënökwe'ôwe?
Did you know that Indians have a different concept of time?.
Okay, so I stole the line from a school-kid.

2) When your history teacher asks "Who discovered America?" say:

Te'sôká' te'akuihsakö. Hawëníyu' ne'hu niuyéê.
Nobody discovered it. The Great Spirit made it.
3) Write all reports in Mingo. Useful expressions:
Akwas u'thatúkë ne háyatöö' ëöwötë' ne'…
The author goes to great lengths to show that…

Aöhö'ö íwí nêkê káyatöshä'ke…
The thing I most like about this book is….

Ti'kwa të'ëkúwá kakwékö nae káyatöshä'shö'ö nêkê hënöteyëstahkwa'ke úya'khá'.
I fail to understand why all books in this school are in a foreign language.
4) Tape new paper jackets on all of your textbooks and write the subject on the front in big letters in Mingo. If anyone asks what it is, tell them it's a test to see who can read and who can't.
  • Kányö'ökhá'  --  English
  • Niyöshétas  --  Arithmetic
  • Niyöëtsu'tê  --  Geography
  • Niatiyéhak  --  History
  • Niyéyatöö'  --  Spelling
  • Së Ëkaat Skakææti Yötënö'keähtashëtahkwa'   --  Trigonometry
  • 5) Greet everyone, especially the teacher, very politely upon entering the classroom. Useful expressions:
    Skênö' nae nêkê wênishäte'?
    Hello, how are you today?
    Të'ë na'u't nikahsönyô uskáá't?
    What's that strange smell?
    Aste ëkátö' ëkatyake'.
    I've got to go out and pee.
    6) Remember to say good-bye before leaving. White people consider good-byes very important. You can get points by smiling and shaking hands all around. Useful expressions:
    Ëkôkë' ne ëyúhë't.
    See you tomorrow.
    Drop dead.
    7) Do something to make school more interesting, like set off the fire alarm or hot-wire the urinals.
    Hë'ë, te'sôká' nae te'khékê. Ne' ne kanöktakwékö ke'skwa' kanöhsa'a.
    No, sir, I didn't see anyone. I was in the toilet stall the whole time.
    8) Answer all test questions in Mingo. Remember to write out numbers in full. Useful expressions:
    George Washington, father of their country.

    Nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê wis nö'tewë'nya'é yéí' niwashê kéí nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê së nö'tewë'nya'é tewashê tekní ëhsawëhtát së nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê kéí nö'tewë'nya'é teknyô niwashê tsátak nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê tyuhtô nö'tewë'nya'é kéí niwashê së nikátí wis nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê tewë'nya'é yéí' nö'tewë'nya'eshæshê tekní nö'tewë'nya'é së skáé'.
    1,564,322 + 3,487,943 = 5,106,213.

    Akënöhtö' akënöhtö' te'keyëö' ëkáshét.
    Okay, so I can't count.

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