Ne Súwæk
Uiwa' Tekní

Satkáthu! Uhsöwöhkáá' u'keshëöwi' ne' húôwe wa'útye'.
Look! I found a piece of wood floating over there.

Tiyëtúku, thsekë, u'ketsötkeutáá.
Let's take it out of the water, look, I hooked it.

Tasekëhtáá ne u'watsista'.
Strip off the outer bark.

Ëkyéâ't únë eenö'kéê' ne haksút nööta'tisyútë'.
I'll use it to imitate grandpa with his cane.

Sôte' ökatyëönyë' aayakwatíhët aashakwayö's.
Last night I dreamed we should go down the river to visit him.

Nêta hu'sáya't nêkê ka'hnya' huikê sayáá'.
Here, put this stick in your bag.

Wésu' tuskëö nëkhu këtayëtö'.
There are a lot of fields near here.

Utsöwöseskúwá niyutsöwöhses'aa khu hae'kwa ukwényô ëhnieuek.
We can gather spikenard and sasaparilla too.

Ukëistö uka'ö íwí nikahsönye's ne utsöwöseskúwá.
I think spikenard smells best.

Tishé huikê tsyuna'aestúwá' únë ëhnishëöwi' ne na'u't ihné.
Let's follow that dragonfly, and we'll find what we want.

Thë'ë te'kanö'kéha' tsyuna'aestúwá' he awêíyu's ta'teyututææhse katö'nés.
A dragonfly doesn't stop to suck on the flowers.

Satkáthu u'háút usteu'kwa'ke.
Look at the rainbow in its eye.

Ísé nae we'skwa' u'watetkit ne wa'tsi?
Do you think he was in a big rainstorm recently?

Watya'ti'se' únë kêôstôkwá.
Now he's crawling towards my right.

Utashe'nôt íwí wáyás, wayê'?
I think it's out picking berries, don't you?

U'katíyök íwí uka'ö, niwa's'aa he'kê'.
I don't want to let it go, I think it tastes good, the cute little thing, my little brother.

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