The Ant's Birthday Party
1 Hekaahwas tsihöstuhkwë' khu
2 Utyaswë ne unöteú'
3 Ushæte'ö huikê së'ë
4 Tewënötênôté' wésu'.
The ant too had a birthday,
Invited every friend.
'Twas well attended anyway
By cousins without end.
(1) Hekaahwas tsihöstuhkwë' khu
- hekaahwas -- it has a birthday
- he- Translocative prefix, -ka- NsA/C prefix, he...ahw- have a birthday [Habitual]
- tsihöstuhkwë' -- ant
- khu -- and
(2) Utyaswë ne unöteú'
- utyaswë -- it has invited (someone)
- [u-] NsP/A prefix, -atyasw- invite someone [Stative]
- ne -- [particle]
- unöteú' -- its friends
- un[ö-] NMpP/A prefix, -ateu- be friends [Stative]
(3) Ushæte'ö huikê së'ë
- ushæte'ö -- it is well-attended
- u- NsP/X prefix, -shæte'- (an event) be well-attended [Stative]
- huikê -- this
- së'ë -- because, since
(4) Tewënötênôté' wésu'
- tewënötênôté' -- they are siblings
- te- Dualic prefix, -wën[ö-] NMpA/A prefix, te...atênöte- be siblings to one another [Stative]
- wésu' -- many, much
Written by: [TM:4/96]
Glossary by: [JL:4/96]