Making a Husk Doll
1 Ne' ëkathyúwi' he nëkayeöök ëkasyöniák ne
unônya' kaya'ta'.
I'm talking about how to make a husk doll.
2 Ne' tyutyeëhtö ëhsates'á' unônya' ëkyeöök te'utki', ta
ëhseshatët, ta unë ëhsestya'k ne' watakwëhta's'aa'këôk.
First get the husks ready and clean them, and then dampen them,
and then cut them in small, narrow strips.
3 Yeí' níyô tëhsat'ësyútë'.
Take six strips and lay them in a pile.
4 Ta unë yeí' níyô ahsö', ta unë ëhswatase' ne
unö'ëë' awôtö'.
Then take six more, and then wrap them around the end of the
first pile to make the head of the doll.
5 Ne'hu níyô ëhswatase' ëwiyu'he't unö'ëë' awôtö'.
Wrap enough to make and shape the head.
6 Ëhsehsiyätëhtáë' akwas watákwët unônya'
Lay a string across a wide husk and fold one end over the string.
7 Ëthsehsiyätyëêthu' ëwötöskwi ne awôtö'
unö'ëëkêyát awuwe'shæ'
Pull the string and shirr to make the top of the head and head
8 Ëhse'húwék n-unö'ëë' ne' n-akwas twatákët
Fit the wrapped head piece into the head covering.
9 Ëhswatase' kahsiyæ'ta' unö'ëë' awôtö'.
Tie the string around the base of the head real tight.
10 Tëhsekhahsi' teuwatúwe' kaya'ta'ke.
Split the ends from neck down to make the body.
11 Keí níyô ëhswe'nôni' unêsha' awôtö'.
Trim pieces to roll for arms.
12 Tësyôwë' heôwe tesakhahsô.
Cross the roll at base of head where you split the body apart.
13 Tëhsya'túwét nëkaneshésô'.
Think how long the arms are going to be.
14 Kahsíyæ' ëhsehsiyætase' unëshu'ktö'.
Tie the ends of the arms.
15 Ëhsya'k tekniák ne' ëwötötaá yenësha'ke.
Cut two for cross pieces on the shoulders.
16 Ëhswáhá' kaya'ta'ke.
Tie under arms to hold in place.
17 Tekní ëwötakwëhtô' ka'khwá' awôtö'
ëwöthwatáse' yeya'ta'ke.
Two wide pieces for skirt to go around the body.
18 Ëswáhá' kahsíyæ' yeya'ta'ke thaayaku'kháë's.
Tie string around her waist so her skirt won't come down.
(1) Ne' ëkathyúwi' he nëkayeöök ëkasyöniák ne
unônya' kaya'ta'.
- ne' -- [particle]
- ëkathyúwi' -- I will tell about it
- ë- Future prefix, -k- 1sA/A prefix, -athyuwi- tell about something [Simple]
- he -- [particle]
- nëkayeöök -- how it will be done
- në- Partitive + Future prefixes, -ka- NsA/C prefix, -ye- do something [K-Stative]
- ëkasyöniák -- it will be made
- ë- Future prefix, -ka- NsA/X prefix, -syöny- make something [K-Stative]
- ne -- [particle]
- unônya' -- husk, cornhusk
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nöny- husk, cornhusk, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- kaya'ta' -- doll
- ka- NsA/C prefix, -ya't- body, doll, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix.
(2) Ne' tyutyeëhtö ëhsates'á' unônya' ëkyeöök te'utki', ta
ëhseshatët, ta unë ëhsestya'k ne' watakwëhta's'aa'këôk.
- ne' -- [particle]
- tyutyeëhtö -- it is first, it has priority
- t- Cislocative prefix, -y[u]- NsP/A prefix, -atyeëht- something be first, something have priority [Stative]
- ëhsates'á -- you will get ready
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/A prefix, -ates'a- get ready, prepare [Simple]
- unônya' -- husk, cornhusk
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nöny- husk, cornhusk, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- nëkayeöök -- how it will be done
- në- Partitive + Future prefixes, -ka- NsA/C prefix, -ye- do something [K-Stative]
- te'utki' -- it is not dirty
- te'- Negative prefix, -u- NsP/X prefix, -tki- something be dirty [Stative]
- ta unë -- and now, so then
- ëhseshatët -- you will dampen it
- ë- Future prefix, -hse- 2sA/X prefix, -shatëht- dampen something [Simple]
- ta unë -- and now, so then
- ëhsestya'k -- you will cut it in pieces
- ë- Future prefix, -hse- 2sA/X prefix, -stya'k- cut something into pieces [Simple]
- ne -- [particle]
- watakwëhta's'aa'këôk -- they will continue to be narrow
- w- NsA/A prefix, -atakwëhta's'aa-
things be narrow, -'këôk "Endurative
Suffix". Note that we might expect this word to have the
Partitive prefix {ni...}, as well. It may have possibly been
dropped due to the immediately preceding particle ne'.
(3) Yeí' níyô
- yeí' -- six (6)
- níyô -- it is that amount
- ni- Partitive prefix, -y- NsA/Ö
prefix, -ö- be a certain amount [Stative]
- tëhsat'ësyútë' -- you will make a
pile (out of them)
- të- Dualic + Future prefixes, -hs-
2sA/A prefix, -at'ësyut- make a pile
(4) Ta unë yeí' níyô
ahsö', ta unë ëhswatase' ne
unö'ëë' awôtö'.
- ta unë -- and now, so then
- yeí' -- six (6)
- níyô -- it is that amount
- ni- Partitive prefix, -y- NsA/Ö
prefix, -ö- be a certain amount [Stative]
- ahsö' -- more
- ta unë -- and now, so then
- ëhswatase' -- you will wrap it around
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/C prefix, -watase- turn something around [Simple]
- ne -- [particle]
- unö'ëë' -- head
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nö'ë- head, -ë- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- awôtö' -- it becomes
- Strange word, somehow based on -atö'- become something
(5) Ne'hu níyô ëhswatase' ëwiyu'he't unö'ëë' awôtö'
- ne'hu -- [particle]
- níyô -- it is that amount
- ni- Partitive prefix, -y- NsA/Ö
prefix, -ö- be a certain amount [Stative]
- ëhswatase' -- you will wrap it around
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/C
prefix, -watase- turn something around [Simple]
- ëwiyu'he't -- it will become good
- ë- Future prefix, -w- NsA prefix
[irregular], -iyu'he'- become good [Simple]
- unö'ëë' -- head
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nö'ë-
head, -ë- Linker Vowel, -' Noun
- awôtö' -- it becomes
- Strange word, somehow based on -atö'- become something
(6) Ëhsehsiyätëhtaaë' akwas
watákwët unônya'
- ëhsehsiyätëhtáë' -- you will lay the string down flat
- ë- Future prefix, -hse- 2sA/X
prefix, -hsiy- string, -æ Linker
Vowel, -tëhta- lay something down flat [Simple]
- akwas -- very
- watákwët -- it is wide
- w- NsA/A prefix, -atakwëht- something
be wide [Stative]
- unônya' -- husk, cornhusk
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nöny- husk, cornhusk, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- tëthsekwathu' -- you will fold it over it there
- tët- Dualic + Future + Cislocative prefixes,
-hse- 2sA/X prefix, -kwathw- bend, fold
something [Simple]. Note that we might expect this word to have
the form tëthsehsa'kwáthu', but it appears that the
verb base here has been shortened, using the form that normally only
occurs following an incorporated noun base.
(7) Ëthsehsiyätyëêthu' ëwötöskwi ne awôtö'
unö'ëëkêyát awuwe'shæ'
- ëthsehsiyätyëêthu' -- you will pull the string
- ët- Future + Cislocative prefixes, -hse-
2sA/X prefix, -hsiy- string,
t...atyëëthw- pull something towards yourself
[Simple]. Note that the incorporated noun base -hsiy- causes
the initial /a/ of the verb base to change into
- ëwötöskwi -- it will be wrinkled
- ë- Future prefix, -w- NsA/A
prefix, -atöskwi- something be wrinkled
[Stative]. Note the regular change of the /a/ at the beginning
of the verb base into /ö/. Note also that we would expect
the final vowel here to be long,
- ne -- [particle]
- awôtö' -- it becomes
- Strange word, somehow based on -atö'- become something
- unö'ëëkêyát -- on top of the head
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nö'ë-
head, -ë- Linker Vowel, -kêyat-
something be on top [Stative]
- awuwe'shæ' -- covering
- aw- NsP/O prefix, -uwe'sh- covering,
-æ- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix.
Note that the expected form of the NsP/O prefix here would be simply
- unö'ëë'ke -- on the head
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nö'ë-
head, -ë- linker Vowel, -'ke
Locative Suffix.
(8) Ëhse'húwék
n-unö'ëë' ne' n-akwas twatákët
- ëhse'húwék -- you will cover it
- ë- Future prefix, -hse- 2sA/X
prefix, -'huwek- cover something [Simple]
- n-unö'ëë' -- head
- n- short form of ne, u- NsP/C
prefix, -nö'ë- head, -ë-
Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- ne' -- [particle]
- n-akwas -- very
- n- short form of ne, akwas very
- twatákët -- ???
- unônya' -- husk, cornhusk
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nöny- husk,
cornhusk, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun
(9) Ëhswatase' kahsiyæ'ta' unö'ëë' awôtö'.
- ëhswatase' -- you will wrap it around
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/C
prefix, -watase- turn something around [Simple]
- kahsiyæ'ta' -- string
- ka- NsA/X, -hsiyæ't- string,
-a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix. Compare
this word with uhsíyæ' string.
- unö'ëë' -- head
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nö'ë-
head, -ë- Linker Vowel, -' Noun
- awôtö' -- it becomes
- Strange word, somehow based on -atö'- become something
(10) Tëhsekhahsi' teuwatúwe' kaya'ta'ke.
- tëhsekhahsi' -- you will split it in two
- të- Dualic + Future prefixes, -hse- 2sA/X prefix, te...khahs- split, divide something in two [Simple]
- teuwatúwe' -- ???
- kaya'ta'ke -- on the body, doll
- ka- NsA/C prefix, -ya't- body, doll, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix
(11) Keí níyô ëhswe'nôni' unêsha' awôtö'.
- keí -- four (4)
- níyô -- it is that amount
- ni- Partitive prefix, -y- NsA/Ö
prefix, -ö- be a certain amount [Stative]
- ëhswe'nôni' -- you will make it round, roll it up
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/L
prefix, -we'nöny- make something round, roll
something up [Simple]
- unêsha' -- arm
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nësh- arm,
-a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- awôtö' -- it becomes
- Strange word, somehow based on -atö'- become something
(12) Tësyôwë' heôwe tesakhahsô.
- tësyôwë' -- you will make a barrier, a bar, a cross??
- të- Dualic + Future prefixes, -hs-
2sA/C prefix, te...hyöw- be/make a barrier
[Simple]. Note that the /h/ at beginning of the verb base
drops out between /s/ and /y/, and that the /h/
of the 2sA/C prefix -hs- also drops, before the sequence
/sy/, although that doesn't seem to always happen as a rule.
- heôwe -- where
- Apparently a variant form of hëôwe
- tesakhahsô -- you have split it in two
- te- Dualic prefix, -sa- 2sP/X prefix, te...khahs- divide, split something in two [Stative]
(13) Tëhsya'túwét nëkaneshésô'.
- tëhsya'túwét -- you will cover the body???
- nëkaneshésô' -- how long the arms will be
- në- Partitive + Future prefix, -ka-
NsA/C prefix, -nësh- arm, -esö-
various things be long [Simple]. Note that we would expect
this word to have the form: nëkanëshésô'
(14) Kahsíyæ' ëhsehsiyætase' unëshu'ktö'.
- kahsíyæ' -- string
- ka- NsA/X prefix, -hsiy- string, -æ- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- ëhsehsiyætase' -- you will tie the string around it
- ë- Future prefix, -hse- 2sA/X prefix, -hsiy- string, -æ- Linker Vowel, +tase- spin, turn something [Simple]
- unëshu'ktö' -- end of the arms
- u- NsP/C prefix, -nësh- arm, -u'ktö- several things come to an end [Stative]
(15) Ëhsya'k tekniák ne' ëwötötaá yenësha'ke.
- ëhsya'k -- you will cut it off
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/C prefix, -ya'k- cut something off [Simple]
- tekniák -- two??
- ne' -- [particle]
- ëwötötaá -- ???
- yenësha'ke -- on her arm
- ye- FsA/C prefix, -nësh- arm, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix
(16) Ëhswáhá' kaya'ta'ke.
- ëhswáhá' -- you will tie it around it
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/L prefix, -waha- tie something around something else [Simple]
- kaya'ta'ke -- on the body, doll
- ka- NsA/C prefix, -ya't- body, doll, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix
(17) Tekní ëwötakwëhtô' ka'khwá' awôtö'
ëwöthwatáse' yeya'ta'ke.
- tekní -- two (2)
- ëwötakwëhtô' -- they will be wide
- ë- Future prefix, -w- NsA/A
prefix, -atakwëhtö- several things be wide
[Simple]. Note the regular change of the /a/ at the beginning
of the verb base into /ö/.
- ka'khwá' -- skirt
- Apparently variant form of ka'kháa'??
- awôtö' -- it becomes
- Strange word, somehow based on -atö'- become something
- ëwöthwatáse' -- it will wrap around it
- ë- Future prefix, -w- NsA/A
prefix, -athwatase- spin, turn, wrap around
something [Simple]. Note the regular change of the /a/ at
the beginning of the verb base into /ö/.
- yeya'ta'ke -- on her body, doll
- ye- FsA/C prefix, -ya't- body, doll, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix
(18) Ëswáhá'
kahsíyæ' yeya'ta'ke
- ëhswáhá' -- you will tie it around it
- ë- Future prefix, -hs- 2sA/L
prefix, -waha- tie something around something else
- kahsíyæ' -- string
- ka- NsA/X prefix, -hsiy- string, -æ- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
- yeya'ta'ke -- on her body, doll
- ye- FsA/C prefix, -ya't- body, doll, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix
- thaayaku'kháë's -- so that her skirt would not fall down on her (by accident)
- thaa- Contrastive + Optative prefixes, -yaku-
FsP/X prefix, -'kha- skirt, -ë'se-
something accidently falls down [Simple]. Note that we're still
a little unclear about -'kha-...??
Author: Kathryn Jamieson, Allegany, Steamburg August 1974
Recorded and transcribed by [TM]
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