Ne' ne Hekææhkë's Nö'ôwë

An Event in the West
1 Yötyônyáni ne nu'yë. 2 Ne' ne hekææhkë's akwanöke' tuskë n-únekuwánë. 3 Ne' huikê hënöteyëstahkwa' kuwánë ha'téyô këtáyë' kanöskwayë' khu kahatayë' khu kaötayêthö khu.

4 Ökwatsiyâyë' ökwashénë tsi'të'öshö'ö watúwâs. 5 Wa'akwatyëëkwa shô ne tsíyæ teyu'skwât ne' kêtö ne ka'höhsa'ke uhtë'kwë.

6 "Nâ niyúyë' huikê tsíyæ unöökte'," waë' ne ha'ni. 7 Ne' ne wa'ákwe' huikê ne kanôskwa' köwötiya'takéhas. 8 Sôka' ne utiyötha' waáhá' ne' ne tsíyæ ka'höhsa'ke. 9 Ne' ne kanôskwa' haya'takéhas waahahsi' n-utiyötha'. 10 Tsikwas sayaökwé' ne tsíyæ.

11 Téniksa'kúwá hënöteyëstahkwa'ke ne' ne utiyötha' wáníhá' ne tsíyæ ka'höhsa'ke. 12 "Të'ë tewakatöëtsúni ëkheyéæ's?" thusnye'ö ne shaköyénôs. 13 "Sheyatka shô," waë' ne ha'ni.

My mother was a teacher. We lived in California near the Pacific. It was a big school with a farm and cows, a woods and orchard.

We had a bird dog. All at once we noticed that his testicles were swollen.

"Well I wonder what's wrong with that dog," said my father. We went to the vet. Somebody had tied a rubber band around the dog's testicles. The doctor untied it. Soon the dog was better again.

Two boys from the school had tied the rubber band around the dog's testicles. "What do you want me to do with them?" said the policeman. "Just let them go," said my father.


(1) Yötyöönyáni ne nu'yë.

yötyöönyáni -- she teaches, she is a teacher
y[ö]- FsA/A prefix, -atyöönyani- teach [Habitual]
ne -- [particle]
nu'yë -- my mother

(2) Ne' ne hekææhkë's akwanöke' tuskë n-únekuwánë.

ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
hekææhkë's -- the West
he- Trannslocative prefix, -ka- NsA/C prefix, -æhk- sun, -ë'- something falls, goes down [Habitual]. Literally "the sun goes down [sets] there"
akwanöke' -- we live, dwell
akwa- EpA/C prefix, -nök- live, dwell [Stative]
tuskë -- near, close by
n-únekuwánë -- the ocean
n- short form of ne, ú- NsP/L prefix, -nek- water, -uwanë- something be big [Stative]. Literally "the big water"

(3) Ne' huikê hënöteyëstahkwa' kuwánë ha'téyô këtáyë' kanöskwayë' khu kahatayë' khu kaötayêthö khu.

ne' -- [particle]
huikê -- there
hënöteyëstahkwa' -- school
hën[ö]- MpA/A prefix, -ateyëst- learn, -a- Linker Vowel, -hkw- Instrumental suffix [Habitual]. Literally: "they use it for learning"
kuwánë -- it is big
k- NsA/O prefix [Irregular], -uwanë- something be big[Stative]
ha'téyô -- everything
ha'te- Translocative + Dualic prefixes, -y- NsA/Ö prefix, -ö- be a certain amount [Stative]
këtáyë' -- field, meadow (is there)
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -it- field, meadow, -a- Linker Vowel, -yë- have something [Stative]
kanöskwayë' -- domesticated animals (are there)
ka- NsA/C prefix, -nöskw- domesticated animal, -a- Linker Vowel, -yë- have something [Stative]
khu -- and, also, too, as well
kahatayë' -- woods (are there)
ka- NsA/C prefix, -hat- woods, forest, -a- Linker Vowel, -yë- have something [Stative]
khu -- and, also, too, as well
kaötayêthö -- orchard
ka- NsA/C prefix, -höt- wood, tree, -a- Linker Vowel, -yëthw- plant something [Stative]. Literally "planted trees".
khu -- and, also, too, as well

(4) Ökwatsiyâyë' ökwashénë tsi'të'öshö'ö watúwâs.

ökwatsiyâyë' -- we have a dog
ökwa- EpP/X prefix, -tsiy- dog, -æ- Linker Vowel, -yë- have something [Stative]
ökwashénë -- we have a tame one?
ökwa- EpP/X prefix, -shenë- be tame [Stative]??
tsi'të'öshö'ö -- birds
tsi'të'ö- bird, -shö'ö Plural Suffix A variant of tsi'të'ööshö'ö??
watúwâs -- it hunts, it's a hunter
w- NsA/A prefix, -atuwæt- hunt [Habitual]

(5) Wa'akwatyêkwa shô ne tsíyæ teyu'skwât ne' kêtö ne ka'höhsa'ke uhtë'kwë.

wa'akwatyëëkwa -- we noticed it all at once
wa'- Factual prefix, -akw- EpA/A prefix, -atyëëkwa- notice something suddenly [Simple]
shô -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
tsíyæ -- dog
teyu'skwææt -- its testicles
te- Dualic prefix, -yu- NsP/X prefix, -'skwa- rock, stone, -æ- Linker Vowel, te...t- two things are standing [Stative]. Literally: "its two standing stones". It is not clear why we don't get teyu'skwaát.
ne' -- [particle]
kêtö -- it means
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -itö- mean something [Stative]
ne -- [particle]
ka'höhsa'ke -- on its testicle(s)
ka- NsA/X prefix, -'höhs- testicle, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix
uhtë'kwë -- it has swollen up, it is swollen
[u]- NsP/A prefix, -ahtë'kw- something swells up [Stative]

(6) "Nâ niyúyë' huikê tsíyæ unöökte'," waë' ne ha'ni.

-- [particle]
niyúyë' -- ???
huikê -- there, that
tsíyæ -- dog
unöökte' -- it is unwell
u- NsP/C prefix, -nöökt- something be unwell, sore, sick [Stative]
waë' -- he said
wa- Factual prefix, -h- MsA/Ë prefix, -ë- say something [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the MsA/Ë prefix is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
ne -- [particle]
ha'ni -- my father

(7) Ne' ne wa'ákwe' huikê ne kanôskwa' köwötiya'takéhas.

ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
wa'ákwe' -- we went
wa'- Factual prefix, -akw- EpA/E prefix, -e- go [Simple]
huikê -- there, that
ne -- [particle]
kanôskwa' -- domesticated animal
ka- NsA/C prefix, -nöskw- domesticated animal, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
köwötiya'takéhas -- she cures them
köwöti- Fs/NMdp/C prefix, -ya'takeha- cure, heal someone [Habitual]

(8) Sôka' ne utiyötha' waáhá' ne' ne tsíyæ ka'höhsa'ke.

sôka' -- someone, somebody
ne -- [particle]
utiyötha' -- rubber, rubber band
[u]- NsP/A prefix, -atiyöt- something stretches? [Habitual]
waáhá' -- he tied it around something
wa- Factual prefix, -ha- MsA/C prefix, -ha- tie something around something [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the MsA/C prefix is weak, and so is dropped when it comes between two vowels. We might expect waáwahá' in NYMingo.
ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
tsiyæ -- dog
ka'höhsa'ke -- on its testicle(s)
ka- NsA/X prefix, -'höhs- testicle, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix

(9) Ne' ne kanôskwa' haya'takéhas waahahsi' n-utiyötha'.

ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
kanôskwa' -- domesticated animal
ka- NsA/C prefix, -nöskw- domesticated animal, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
haya'takéhas -- he heals, cures
ha- MsA/C prefix, -ya'takeha- cure, heal [Habitual]
waahahsi' -- he untied it from around something
wa- Factual prefix, -ha- MsA/C prefix, -hahs- untie something from around something else [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the MsA/C prefix is weak, and so is dropped when it comes between two vowels.
n-utiyötha' -- rubber, rubber band
n- short form of ne, [u]- NsP/A prefix, -atiyöt- something stretches? [Habitual]

(10) Tsikwas sayaökwé' ne tsíyæ.

tsikwas -- soon
sayaökwé' -- it felt healthy again
sa- Repetitive + Factual prefix, -ya- NsP/Ö prefix, -ökwe- feel healthy [Simple]
ne -- [particle]
tsíyæ -- dog

(11) Téniksa'kúwá hënöteyëstahkwa'ke ne' ne utiyötha' wáníhá' ne tsíyæ ka'höhsa'ke.

téniksa'kúwá -- two boys
te- Dualic prefix, -ni- MdA/X prefix, -ks- child, -a- Linker Vowel, -'- Noun Suffix, -kúwá Augmentative Suffix Note that the MdA/X prefix -ni- makes the preceding vowel long.
hënöteyëstahkwa' -- school
hën[ö]- MpA/A prefix, -ateyëst- learn, -a- Linker Vowel, -hkw- Instrumental suffix [Habitual]. Literally: "they use it for learning"
ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
utiyötha' -- rubber, rubber band
[u]- NsP/A prefix, -atiyöt- something stretches? [Habitual]
wáníhá -- two guys tied it around something
wa- Factual prefix, -ni- MdA/C prefix, -ha- tie something around something else [Simple]. Note that the MdA/C prefix -ni- makes the preceding vowel long.
ne -- [particle]
tsíyæ -- dog
ka'höhsa'ke -- on its testicle(s)
ka- NsA/X prefix, -'höhs- testicle, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke Locative Suffix

(12) "Të'ë tewakatöëtsúni ëkheyéæ's?" thusnye'ö ne shaköyénôs.

të'ë -- what
tewakatöëtsúni -- I need
te- Dualic prefix, -wak- 1sP/A prefix, te...atöëtsuni- need [Habitual]
ëkheyéæ's -- I will do it to them
ë- Future prefix, -khe- 1s/3dp/C prefix, - yeæ'se- do something to someone?? [Simple]
thusnye'ö -- he said it
t- Cislocative prefix, -hu- MsP/X prefix, t...snye'- say something [Stative]
ne -- [particle]
shakuyénôs -- police, policeman
shaku- Ms/Fs prefix, -yenö- catch, grab something (or someone?) [Habitual]. Literally "he catches people"

(13) "Sheyatka shô," waë' ne ha'ni.

sheyatka -- leave them be, let them go
shey- 2s/3dp/A prefix, -atka- release, let go of someone [Imperative]
shô -- just, only
waë' -- he said
wa- Factual prefix, -h- MsA/Ë prefix, -ë- say something [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the MsA/Ë prefix is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
ne -- [particle]
ha'ni -- my father

Written by: [TM:4/96]
Glossary by: [JL:4/96]