Fox Earns His Rest

1 Ne' ne utöeshëhtö huikê
2 Unö'kwatkwá katákhe's
3 Uskawakô këtáyë' khu
4 Heôwe nikakhwihsákhe's.
The fox pants hard for running round,
For running round is he
By bush and field wherever's found
A hearty meal for free.

5 Ne' ne uköhkwá' nö'kwatkwá
6 Kanyu' ne kææhkwitkë'ö
7 Teyuskeéyô ne' ne nö'kê'
8 Uæhtak uyôyakë'tö.
The fox snores hard for sleeping sound
Although the sun's long up.
He's tired to death for working round
To fill his plate and cup.


(1) Ne' ne utöeshëhtö huikê

ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
utöeshëhtö -- it is panting, breathing hard
[u]- NsP/A prefix, -atöeshëht- pant, breath hard [Stative]
huikê -- there, that

(2) Unö'kwatkwá katákhe's

unö'kwatkwá -- fox
katákhe's -- it runs around
ka- NsA/C prefix, -takh- run [Purposive-Habitual]
(3) Uskawakô këtáyë' khu

uskawakô -- in the bushes
u- NsP/X prefix, -skaw- bush, -a- Linker Vowel, -kô Internal Locative Suffix
këtáyë' -- field, meadow (is there)
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -it- field, meadow, -a- Linker Vowel, -yë- have something [Stative]
khu -- and, also, too, as well

(4) Heôwe nikakhwihsákhe's.

heôwe -- where, the place where
nikakhwihsákhe's -- how it goes looking around for food
ni- Partitive prefix, -ka- NsA/X prefix, -khw- food, -ihsak- look for something [Dislocative-Purposive-Habitual]

(5) Ne' ne uköhkwá' nö'kwatkwá

ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
uköhkwá' -- it is snoring
u- NsP/X prefix, -köhkwa- snore [Stative]
nö'kwatkwá -- fox

(6) Kanyu' ne kææhkwitkë'ö

kanyu' -- when
ne -- [particle]
kææhkwitkë's -- the sun comes out, appears
ka- NsA/C prefix, -æhkw- sun, -itkë'- something comes out, becomes visible [Habitual]

(7) Teyuskeéyô ne' ne nö'kê'

teyuskeéyô -- it has gotten tired, it is tired
te- Dualic prefix, -yu- NsP/X prefix, te...skeey- get tired [Stative]
ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
nö'kê' -- afterwards

(8) Uæhtak uyôyakë'tö.

uæhtak -- after
uyôyakë'tö -- it is working
u- NsP/C prefix, -yôyakë't- work [Stative]

Written by: [TM:4/96]
Glossary by: [JL:4/96]