Swênishât Aksút Akwe's

A Day with Grandmother
"Ukwényô ëskyëstë' ëtwanöhkwa'syôni' tëtwáyes, aksút?" twakesnye'ö.
"Can you teach me how to make medicine, grandma?" I said.

", të'ë na'u't ísé ëköyëstë'?"
"Well, what do you want me to teach you?"

"Kakwékö ," u'ki'.
"Everything," I said.

"Utsikwë'ta' huikê unöhkwa'shæ' wíyú tahke. Ukwényô ëhsáyák utsíya'shö'ö uka'ö. Ukwíyæ'shö'ö ukwényô ëhsénya't úneka'taiê."
"That honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.) is a very good medicine. You can eat the berries and they taste good. You can boil the twigs and make a tea."

"Túkës? Të'ë kaya'takéhas?"
"Really? What does it cure?"

"Utsikwë'ta' huikê kaya'takéhas. Na'u't ahsö'? Ha'tekakôt uhwë'út ne' akítö ne uhwë'asé' ëhséku'."
"It cures venereal disease. What else? You have to take the sprouts, I mean the new shoots."

"Aids khu kaya'takéhas?"
"Will it cure Aids too?"

"Hë'ë. íwí auska'a ne pokeweed ukteæ' Aids kaya'takéhas."
"No. I think only pokeweed root (Phytolacca americana) will cure Aids."

"Të'ë ëhsi' 'pokeweed' Ökwe'öwékhá'?"
"How do you say 'pokeweed' in Mingo?"

"Ne' ökniköhë."
"I forgot."

"Ukwényô ëkyeæ't ha'téyô ne atëönúshæ'?"
"Can I use mayapple (Podophyllum pelatum) for something?"

"Túkës. Tyawë'ö kës ëkyëhsaô' n-atëönúshæ' unëhta'shö'ö. Ne' ne usthöö ukteæ' ukwényô ësnöhkwa'shâk, kwáhe te'akënöhtö' na'u't uya'takéhë. Tyêkwa aknöhi'tôt ëkí akekênô' ëknëhtaku' ne uthækwë'tôt ëkatathé' ëkyeæ't huikê unëhta'."
"Certainly. I always make a poultice of mayapple tops. You can also use a little of the root internally, but I do not know what it cures. If I have a wort or a mole I will take a leaf of broad- leafed arrowhead (Sagittaria sp.) and cut myself with the leaf."

"Të'ë nëtsyeæ't ne kwë'túnyë' uhtahkwa'?"
"How do you use the yellow ladyslipper (Cypripedium sp.)?"

"Ha'téyô ëhséku' kanyu' uæhtak ne awëö'shö'ö ahsö' kwáhe kanëhtaikhö. Kakwékö únë uhê ëkethe't shô. Ukwényô ëhsénya't úneka'taiê ëkí ëtsyënyaô'. Ne' huikê kaya'takéhas ne u'nêya' unöökte'."
"I take the whole plant after it blooms and it is still green. I pound it in a pestle once it is dried. You can boil it for tea or make a poultice. It cures painful joints."


swênishât -- one day
sw- Repetitive + NsA/Ë prefixes, -ênish- day, -æ- Linker Vowel, -t be one [Stative]
aksút -- (my) grandmother
akwe's -- we are (there)
akw- EpA/E prefix, -e's go [Habitual] Note the specialized meaning of "be somewhere", instead of the expected "go somewhere".
ukwényô -- it is possible, can
u- NsP/C prefix, -kwényö be possible [Stative]
ëskyëstë' -- you will teach me (how)
ësk- Future + 2s/1s prefixes, -yëstë' teach someone something [Simple]
ëtwanöhkwa'syôni' -- we will make medicine
ëtwa- Future + IpA/C prefixes, -nöhkwa'sh- medicine, -ôni' make something [Simple]. Note the change of the /sh/ at the end of the incorporated noun base -nöhkwa'sh- to /sy/ when it comes before the /ö/ of the verb stem -ôni'
tëtwáyes -- we will mix it (together)
tëtwa- Dualic + Future + IpA/C prefixes, te...yes mix something together [Simple]
twakesnye'ö -- I said
twake- Cislocative + 1sP/X prefixes, t...snye'ö say something [Stative]
-- well
huikê -- that, that one
të'ë na'u't -- what?
ísé -- you want
ëköyëstë' -- I will teach it to you
ëkö- Future + 1s/2s prefixes, -yëstë' teach someone something [Simple]
kakwékö -- all, everything
ka- NsA/C, -kwékö be all [Stative]
u'ki' -- I said
u'k- Factual + 1sA/C prefixes, -i' say something [Simple]
utsikwë'ta' -- honeysuckle or venereal disease
u- NsP/C prefix, -tsikwë't- honeysuckle, venereal disease, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
unöhkwa'shæ' -- medicine
u- NsP/C prefix, -nöhkwash- medicine, -æ- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
wíyú -- it is good
w- NsA/I prefix, -íyú be good [Stative]
tahke -- very, awfully, terribly
ëhsáyák -- you will eat berries
ëhs- Future + 2sA/A prefixes, -áy- berry, -a- Linker Vowel, -k eat [Simple] Note: The Simple stem of "eat", -k, causes a preceding vowel to lengthen.
utsíya'shö'ö -- fruits, berries
u- NsP/X, -tsíy- fruit, berry, -a- Linker Vowel, -'- Noun Suffix, -shö'ö Plural suffix
uka'ö -- it is tasty, good to eat
u- NsP/X, -ka'ö be tasty [Stative]
ukwíyæ'shö'ö -- twigs, branches
u- NsP/X, -kwíy- twig, branch, Linker Vowel, -'- Noun Suffix, -shö'ö Plural suffix
ëhsénya't -- you will boil water
ëhse- Future + 2sA/X prefixes, -nya't boil water [Simple]
úneka'taiê -- tea (Lit. "hot water")
ú- NsP/L, -nek- water, liquid, -a'taiê be hot [Stative]
túkës -- really, indeed
të'ë -- what?, how?
kaya'takéhas -- it helps, cures it
ka- NsA/C prefix, -ya'takéhas help, cure [Habitual]
na'u't -- what
ahsö' -- else
ha'tekakôt -- it is necessary, it must be
ha'teka- Translocative + Dualic + NsA/X prefixes, -kôt render (?) [Stative]
uhwë'út -- sprout
u- NsP/C prefix, -hwë'- sprout, -út stand [Stative]
ne' -- [particle]
akítö -- I mean
ak- 1sP/I prefix, -ítö mean, indicate [Stative]
ne -- [particle]
uhwë'asé' -- new sprouts, young shoots
u- NsP/C prefix, -hwë'- sprout, -asé' be new, young [Stative]
ëhséku' -- you will take it
ëhse- Future + 2sA/X prefixes, -ku' take something [Simple]. Note: The Simple stem of "take something" -ku' makes a preceding vowel long.
khu -- and
íwí -- I think
auska'a -- only
ukteæ' -- root
u- NsP/X prefix, -kte- root, -æ- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
ëhsi' -- you will say
ëhs- Future + 2sA/I prefixes, -i' say something [Simple].
Ökwe'öwékhá' -- Mingo language
ökwe- man, person, -'öwe- be real, genuine, -khá' Characterizer suffix
-- [particle]
ökniköhë -- I forgot
ök- Factual + 1sP/C prefixes, -niköhë forget [Simple]
ëkyeæ't -- I will use it
ëk- Future + 1sA/C prefixes, -yeæ''t use something [Simple]
ha'téyô -- everything
ha'tey- Translocative + Dualic + NsA/O prefixes, be an amount [Stative]
atëönúshæ' -- mayapple
atëönush- mayapple, -æ- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
tyawë'ö -- always
kës -- over and over
ëkyëhsaô' -- I will make a bandage
ëk- Future + 1sA/C prefixes, -yëhsaô' make a bandage [Simple]
unëhta'shö'ö -- leaves
u- NsA/C prefix, -nëht- leaf, -a- Linker Vowel, -'- Noun Suffix, -shö'ö Plural suffix
usthöö -- a little bit
u- NsP/X prefix, -sthöö be small, little, not much [Stative]
ësnöhkwa'shâ'k -- you will eat the medicine
ës- Future + 2sA/C prefixes, -nöhkwa'sh- medicine, -æ- Linker Vowel, -k eat [Simple] Note that the Simple stem of the verb "eat" -k causes the preceding vowel to lengthen (/æ/ to /â/)
kwáhe -- but, however
te'akënöhtö' -- I don't know
te'ak- Negative + 1sP/Ë prefixes, ënöhtö' know something [Stative]
uya'takéhë -- it cures it
u- NsP/C prefix, -ya'takéhë help, cure something [Stative]
tyêkwa -- if
-- I have a wort
ak- 1sP/C prefix, -nöhi't- wort, -ôt something be attached to something [Stative]
-- or
akekênô' -- I have a mole
ake- 1sP/X prefix, -kënô' have a mole [Stative]
ëknëhtaku' -- I will take the leaf
ëk- Future + 1sA/C, -nëht- leaf, -a- Linker Vowel, -ku' take something [Simple]
uthækwë'tôt -- broad-leafed arrowhead
[u]- NsP/A, -athækwë't- arrowhead, -ôt something be attached to something [Stative] (Lit. "it has an arrowhead attached to it")
ëkatathé' -- I will cut myself
ëk- Future + 1sA/A prefixes, -atathé' cut yourself [Simple]
unëhta' -- leaf
u- NsP/C prefix, -nëht- leaf, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
nëtsyeæ't -- how you will use it
nëts- Partitive + Future + 2sA/Y, -yeæ't use something [Simple]
kwë'kúnyë' uhtahkwa' -- yellow ladyslipper
kwë'kúnyë' whippoorwill; [u]- NsP/A prefix, -ahtahkw- shoe, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix (Lit. "whippoorwill's shoe")
kanyu' -- when
uæhtak -- after
awëö'shö'ö -- flowers, blooms
awë- flower, -ö- Linker Vowel, -'- Noun Suffix, -shö'ö Plural suffix
kanëhtaikhö -- green
ka- NsA/C prefix, -nëht- leaf, -a- Linker Vowel, -ikhö bite, envelope [Stative]
únë -- now, now then
uhê -- it is dry
u- NsP/C prefix, -hê be dry [Stative]
ëkethe't -- I will pound it
ëke- Future + 1sA/X prefixes, -the't pound something [Simple]
shô -- just, only
ëtsyëyaô' -- you will make a bandage
ëts- Future + 2sA/Y pefixes, -yëyaô' make a bandage [Simple]
u'nêya' -- bone, joint
u- NsP/C prefix, -'nëy- bone, -a- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix
unöökte' -- it hurts, it's painful
u- NsP/C prefix, -nöökte' hurt, be sore [Stative]

TM/JL 4-17-96