Niwakashææ'ö 01.05

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Uæhtak niwênishæka'te' akehsu'khak ne' kaiôni hunënöhtônyö' ne' ha'kwistë' akyëëë'ö ne kehsinö'ke ta unë ökwatyö'sé ne hanöhkwa'syôni.

I limped for so many days they thought something was wrong with my leg and took me to the doctor.


Thë'ë ta'aö tha'kwistë' niyu'tê aaakë'.

He could not find anything wrong with it.


Na'u't thunöhtö' huikê kaköhsa'shö'ö Shakutiyuwehkúwá khu?

What did he know about masks and Shakutiyuwehkúwá?


Tha'kwistë' shô.

Nothing at all.

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