Matthew 2:15

Ne'hu shô heë'työ', he niyúwe' heaweéyô ne Herud; ne' ne'hu niyawë'ö, uiwayei'ö n-awênö' N-awëníyu' ne húkwá huwënitkëhtahkö haya'tate' n-utukëstaniák, háwê, Egypt-ke, heshénökö n-eáwak.

He just stayed there until Herod died, and this happened so that the prediction of God took place as He had appeared long ago to his prophet and said, I have called my son back from Egypt.

heaweéyô, he is dead (there, then)

akiéyô, I've died, I'm dead
akieyös'ö, I've finally died, I'm finaly dead
kieyöskwa', I used to be dying
kiéyös, I'm dying
u'kie', I died
ëkieyöhsék, I'll keep dying
aakie', I would die (also aakié'?)
yaiéyus, she's dying
wa'aie', she died

huwënitkëhtahkö, he has caused his word to appear

akwënitkëhtahkö, I've made my word appear
akwënitkëhtahkwas'ö, I've finally made my word appear
kwënitkëhtahkwak, I used to make my word appear
kwënitkëhtahkwa', I make my word appear
u'kwënitkëhtak, I made my word appear
ëkwënitkëhtahkôk, I'll keep making my word appear
aakwënitkëhtak, I would make my word appear

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