Matthew 2:23

Ne'hu, ti, heuyô, heunökâtö he tkanötayë' ne Nazareth kayásö; ne' n-uiwayei'ö he niutiwënöwë'ö n-utitukëstanöniák, Ne' Nazarene ëöwöyásthák.

And so he arrived and lived in a city called Nazareth, and then it came true what the prophets said, They will continue to call him Nazarene.

heunökâtö, where he has made his home
cf. shaënökât and thatinöke'

he niutiwënöwë'ö, what they have spoken
he ni-huti-wën-ö-wë'-ö

niwakwënöwë'ö, what I have said
niwakwënöwë'as'ö, what I've finally said
nikwënöwë'skwa', what I used to say
nikwënöwë's, what I say
nö'kwënöwë't, what I said
nëkwënöwë'sék, what I'll keep saying
nöökwënôwë't,what I would say

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