Niwakashææ'ö 01.07

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Ne' ne Davis Elkins khu Thënöteyëstahkwa'kúwá te'wêtö ta'teunötöëtsúni unënöhtö' ne' niyu'tê akwasyönyánö n-ökwe'ôwe.

Davis and Elkins College was never interested in native culture.


Ne' ne hetkë kanöhsastê' wésu' hatiyëtahkwak ha'téyô yötyuu'tastha'shö'ö, ne' kwá he niyushâs hutinöskwë ne hënötyônyáni, ne' kaiôni auská'a usthööshö'ö hunötatêô.

They had a fine collection of artifacts in the attic of the main building, but they let the staff plunder it over the years so there is hardly anything left of what there was.

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