Niwakashææ'ö 01.08

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Së níyô thsiwakushiya'kö Teka'nötötúnö'kwá wa'akwahtêti'.

When I was three we moved to Florida.


Ne'hu íwí yötyônyani ne nu'yë.

I think my mother got a teaching job there.


Thsisa'akwahtêti' skát hesakááhu' niyukëhís wa'ökáôtô' n-aksút "Tú níyô nisaushiya'kö?" ne' wai "Kéí," u'ki'.

When we came back the next summer, my grandmother asked me how old I was and I said four.


Ne' ökahtsanöwö'khö' ökeshaaíne' he hënötkánye'skwa' ne teyakwatênôté' akwææ'sé' khu.

She led me by the hand to where my cousins were playing.


Wa'ötukwat u'nehsa' tyawêôni.

She had turned a flower-bed into a sandbox.


Akwakwékö nae kaëkwa wa'ökwaiwakwëníyu's.

We were all very impressed.


Sa'ökhiyëtestát akwásthö, ne' n-aksút wa'ötahtakwahtë' ne tyawêôni tyakwatkánye's.

Sharon and Butch kept reminding us younger ones that our grandmother had given up her flower bed for us.


Akwashae' ëkêôk ëyökyu'kwát uehtatsi.

We were very careful not to dig down as far as the black dirt.

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