Niwakashææ'ö 01.11
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Hutyuu'tátö ne ha'ni khu ne nu'yë kutyônyání.
My father was working and my mother was teaching.
- hutyuu'tátö -- he's working
- ne ha'ni -- my father
- khu -- and
- ne nu'yë -- my mother
- kutyônyání -- she's teaching
Ta'éyö' ne aksút ta'tsíú' teyökesnyea'.
My grandmother came to stay with us for a while and take care of me.
- ta'éyö' -- she came
- ne aksút -- my grandmother
- ta'tsíú' -- a little while
- teyökesnyea' -- she takes care of me
Ne' skya'tát katkánye'skwa' n-aste ne' niyúwe' wa'ökyénô' ne tsihöstuhkwë'.
I would play outside quietly by myself until ants attacked me.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- skya'tát -- all by myself
- kaykánye'skwa' -- I used to play
- n-aste -- outside
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- niyúwe' -- how far away (here: until)
- wa'ökyénô' -- she grabbed, attacked me
- ne tsihöstuhkwë' -- the ants
Wa'akwatatyénô' akashëta'ö he twëni'työ' he niyúwe' ha'téyô wënes'ö he
kya'takwékö ne' ha'tekakôtak ëkhâku' ne kayahtuwe'shæ'a
tewakëëhtatös'ö kanöhsutkwá.
I fought back, stomping the anthill, until finally I was so covered with
them I had to pull off my shorts and run for the house.
- wa'akwatatyénô' -- we fought each other
- akashëta'ö -- I stepped on it
- he twëni'työ' -- at where they live
- he niyúwe' -- until
- ha'téyô -- all sorts of things
- wënes'ö -- they finally went
- he kya'takwékö -- all over my body
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ha'tekakôtak -- had to
- ëkhâku' -- I'll take it off
- ne kayahtuwe'shæ'a -- little pants, shorts
- tewakëëhtatös'ö -- I finally took off running
- kanöhsutkwá -- toward the house
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