Niwakashææ'ö 01.12
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Ta unë akwanökek unenö'ke nö'wôti kanötayë' tuskë
heutiya'tayeistahkwa' ne höwöti'skús, ne' hatiwënutatye's.
Then we lived on the south side of town near a Missionary
Baptist church.
- ta unë -- so then
- akwanökek -- we used to live
- unenö'ke -- in the south
- nö'wôti -- on that side
- kanötayë' -- town
- tuskë -- near
- heutiya'tayeistahkwa' -- church
- ne höwöti'skús -- Baptists
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- hatiwënutatye's -- they preach
Unökta'ke katyashëtahkwak kathötatye'skwa' n-unötënutatye' wahsötakwékö.
I would lie in bed and listen to them singing late into
the night.
- unökta'ke -- in bed
- katyashëtahkwak -- I used to lie
- kathötatye'skwa' -- I used to listen along
- n-unötënutatye' -- they're singing along
- wahsötakwékö -- all night
Ne'hu auská'a hatiö'tsi' hêne's.
Only Blacks went there.
- ne'hu -- there
- auská'a -- only
- hatiö'tsi' -- Blacks
- hêne's -- they're there
Tethënöhnö'nethak hunötênút wis ëkí teknyô níyô niatiwënöké aayê' akwas
They would line out hymns in five and eight-part singing hour after hour
it seemed.
- tethënöhnö'nethak -- they used to add one after another there
- hunötênút -- they're singing
- wis -- five
- ëkí -- or
- teknyô -- eight
- níyô -- that many
- niatiwënöké -- that many of their voices
- aayê' -- it seems
- akwas -- very
- nëyönishe'kêôk -- how long the time will continue on
Ta unë unötênút kaö'tsikhá' hënë'nya'eskwa' hënöshëta'skwa' khu.
Or they would sing spirituals and clap their hands and stamp their feet.
- ta unë -- so then
- unötênút -- they're singing
- kaö'tsikhá' -- spirituals (lit. "Black-style")
- hënë'nya'eskwa' -- they used to clap their hands
- hënöshëta'skwa' -- they used to stamp their feet
- khu -- and
Hatëthææni niyu'tê hatënutha'.
The preaching sounded almost like the singing.
- hatëthææni -- he preaches; the preacher
- niyu'tê -- the way it is
- hatënutha' -- he sings
Tewashê wis-skáé' thsa'ushíya'k ne'hu hwa'ákwét khéáwak aknöhkwa' khu.
Twenty-five years later I went there with my wife and daughter.
- twashê wis-skáé' -- twenty-five (in Old Style counting)
- thsa'ushíya'k -- when years passed
- ne'hu -- there
- hwa'ákwét -- we all went over there
- khéáwak -- my daughter
- aknöhkwa' -- my spouse
- khu -- and
Thsa'kát ahsö' ne heutiya'tayeistahkwa', ahsö' hënötënútha' hënötëthææni
The church was still the same, and so was the singing and preaching.
- thsa'kát -- it's the same one
- ahsö' -- still
- ne heutiya'tayeistahkwa' -- church
- ahsö' -- still
- hënötënútha' -- they sing
- hënötëthææni -- they preach
- khu -- and
Ne' kwá unöhsukaëtö'ke yöthuwæstahkwa', ne' kwa' thë'ë te'uötyô ne
utkathwasyu'shö'ö thsiunötênút.
Only they had put window units in for air-conditioning, so they did not
sing with all the windows open any more.
- ne' kwá -- but
- unöhsukaëtö'ke -- in the windows
- yöthuwæstahkwa' -- air-conditioner
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- kwa' -- even
- thë'ë -- not
- te'uötyô -- it's not open
- ne utkathwasyu'shö'ö -- windows
- thsiunötênút -- when they're singing
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