Niwakashææ'ö 01.14

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Ne' te'wéê akwanökek uya'tsi, ne' ne Kanyutae' Úáte'.

Not far from there we lived in another house on Lake Avenue.


Ne'hu takatyéêt akíwane'akö.

It was on Lake Avenue that my own career in crime got under way.


Ne' n-únë kéí niwakushiya'kö ne' khu kyëtéí ëknösku'.

I was already four by then and had learned about stealing.


Tuskë tyakwanökek thë'tyôtak ne së niaushiya'kö, ne' kwá he ka'ëyë'ke ta'aö ëöyakë't.

There was a three-year-old living near by, but he was fenced in and could not get out.


Tuskë ne tekaö hu'ke' akathsi'wá' ne hutkányé atukwa'syuwanë akyé kuwánë húyë'.

I went to the fence and watched him playing with the biggest spoon I had ever seen.


Akashææ'ö ne' nô kéí niyuhtsakwët he níyôs, ne' wai ha'tekakôt teyuhtsakwët he níyôs.

I remember it as about two feet long, and it may well have been over a foot.


Heyáôtö' ukwényô ëkékë', ta unë thakawiskô ne atukwa'shæ' haökuhtas'ö.

I asked him if I could see it, and he trustingly handed it through the fence.


Hewakenyatkææö sakahtêti'.

As soon as I got it I ran home.


Akaökëötye' wa'ukwëtáá't hakínökö, "Tsisahkét!"

I could hear him calling pathetically all the way, "Come back!"

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