Niwakashææ'ö 01.13
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Të'ë na'u't ahsö' akashææ'ö akwanöke' ne Teyuhsai't Úáte'?
What else do I remember about living on Pepper Drive?
- të'ë na'u't -- what
- ahsö' -- still, else
- akashææ'ö -- I remember
- akwanöke' -- we live (there)
- ne teyuhsai't -- black pepper
- úáte' -- street, road
Kanöhsút kasyönya'tö huikê kuwánës utkwëhtææ'ê' u'skwææí.
The house was made of those big red jumbo bricks.
- kanöhsút -- house
- kasyönya'tö -- it's made out of it
- huikê -- this
- kuwánës -- they're big
- utkëhtææ'ê' -- it's red
- u'skwææí -- brick
Akyêtak shô atkánye'shæ' u'skwææí uyêta' kasyönya'tö, ne' kwá he
ne'hu u'skwææí u'ke'skwææku' kasyönya'tö tewasha'ktös.
I had toy bricks made of wood, but there I got a much larger set of
bricks made of plastic.
- akyêtak -- I used to have
- shô -- just
- atkanye'shæ' -- my toy
- u'skwææí -- brick
- uyêta' -- wood
- kasyönya'tö -- it's made out of it
- ne' kwá he -- but
- ne'hu -- there
- u'skwææí -- brick
- u'ke'skwææku' -- I got bricks
- kasyönya'tö -- it's made out of it
- tewasha'ktös -- plastic (lit. 'it bends')
Ukwenyaskô ha'tekanöhsaké ëhsesyönyánô', ne'hu wai akashææ'ö
u'kesyönyánô' kës tyutkôt katkánye'skwa'.
You could make quite complicated houses with them and that is what I
remember playing with most of the time.
- ukwenyaskô -- could easily
- ha'tekanöhsaké -- all sorts of houses
- ëhsesyönyánô' -- you will make them
- ne'hu -- there, that
- wai -- indeed
- akashææ'ö -- I remember
- u'kesyönyánô' kës -- I made them frequently
- tyutkôt -- always
- katkánye'skwa' -- I was playing
Ne'hu tááyö' ne haksút ta'tsíú' akwe'skwa'.
My grandfather came to stay with us for a while there.
- ne'hu -- there
- tááyö' -- he came
- ne haksút -- my grandfather
- ta'tsíú' -- a little while
- akwe'skwa' -- we used to be there
Akashææ'ö ne' tewakatöëtsúni ha'kwistë' ukwényô ëhséku' setehtsíákhá'
I remember ordering something on a cereal boxtop.
- akashææ'ö -- I remember
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- tewakatöëtsúni -- I want/need
- ha'kwistë' -- something
- ukwényô -- can
- ëhséku' -- you'll get it
- setehtsíákhá' -- breakfast (lit. 'morning-kind')
- kaöshækêyát -- it's on top of the box; boxtop
Héúwí ne haksa'kúwá thë'tyôtak ne swathaati, "Ne' ne nu'yë ëyöknínö'," u'ki'.
I bragged to a bigger boy across the street that my mother had
ordered it for me.
- héúwí -- I told him
- ne haksa'kúwá -- the big boy
- thë'tyôtak -- he lives there
- ne swathaati -- on the other side of the street
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne nu'yë -- my mother
- ëyöknínö' -- she will buy it for me
- u'ki' -- I said.
Wááyatöshænösku' khu ne kéí nikahsyöö'shæké íwát ne káyatöshæ'
He stole the order with the fifty cents in it out of the
- wááyatöshænösku' -- he stole the paper
- khu -- and
- ne kéí nikahsyöö'shæké -- the fifty cents
- íwát -- it's in it
- ne káyatöshæ' kaöshæ'ke -- in the mailbox (lit. 'paper box').
Ne'hu akwanöke' héôwe nö'ôwë aawaka'is ne ka'sehta'kúwá.
That was the house where I nearly got hit by a truck.
- ne'hu -- there
- akwanöke' -- we live
- héôwe -- where
- nö'ôwë -- it happened
- aawaka'is -- it might run into me
- ne ka'sehta'kúwá -- truck
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