Niwakashææ'ö 01.24
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Unëhtsi ne'hu yöthyunyánö.
Long ago they would tell about these things.
- unëhtsi -- long ago
- ne'hu -- there, that
- yöthyunyánö -- people tell about things
Wányahtêti' kyö'ö kës.
They say the two of them set out together.
- wányahtêti' -- the two of them set out
- kyö'ö kës -- it is said
Téní níyô huikê tényökwe'ôwe.
They were both Mingo people.
- téní -- the two of them guys
- níyô -- that manu
- huikê -- this
- tényökwe'ôwe -- the two of them are native men
Ne' túkës nô tényatúwâs.
They were probably hunters.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- túkës -- really
- nô -- probably
- tényatúwâs -- the two of them are hunters
Tényatúwâs íwí huikê.
Yes, I believe they were hunters, both of them.
- tényatúwâs -- the two of them are hunters
- íwí -- I think
- huikê -- this
Ta unë wányahtêti' he kahatakô.
So they set off into the woods.
- ta unë -- so then
- wányahtêti' -- the two of them set out
- he kahaytakô -- into the woods
"Hau'," thusnye'ö.
"Hau'," said the one.
- hau' -- hi
- thusnye'ö -- he said
"Satyeëök shô."
"Be quiet."
- satyeëök -- be quiet
- shô -- just
"Na'u't huikê?"
"What was that?"
- na'u't -- what
- huikê -- this
"Ha'kwistë' u'sáôk shô?"
"Did you hear something?"
- ha'kwistë' -- something
- u'sáôk -- you heard
- shô -- just
Ta'tsíhu' nae unötaöhtiyustö.
They listened very hard for a while.
- ta'tsíhu' -- a little while
- nae -- indeed
- unötaöhtiyustö -- they listened very closely
Tha'kwistë' shô te'hutíkê wai.
They didn't hear anything.
- tha'kwistë' -- nothing
- shô -- just
- te'hutíkê -- they didn't see, find anything (variant of: teutíkê)
- wai -- indeed
Ta unë kyö'ö kës wányatyêêkwa si tawatkë'ô' ne ha'kwistë' u'këë'ê' ëkí
uyë'kwææ'ê' ha'kwistë' uskawakô.
Then all of a sudden, they say, they caught a glimpse of something the
color of ash or smoke in the bushes.
- ta unë -- so then
- kyö'ö kës -- it is said
- wányatyêêkwa si -- it happened to the two of them all of a sudden
- tawatkë'ô' -- it appeared briefly
- ne ha'kwistë' -- something
- u'këë'ê' -- it's the color of ash
- ëkí -- or
- uyë'kwææ'ê' -- it's the color of smoke
- ha'kwistë' -- something
- uskawakô -- in the bushes
Ta'tsíhu' wai usthöö sányatyeëök unënö'keæhtö shô.
They were a little quiet for a while and just waited.
- ta'tsíhu' -- a little while
- wai -- indeed
- usthöö -- a little bit
- sányatyeëök -- the two of them were quiet again
- unënö'keæhtö -- they waited
- shô -- just
Úya' u'kát tawatkë'ô' nae ne tsyu'ktákö' huikê kayásö.
Once again they caught a glimpse of a gray squirrel, it's called.
- úya' u'kát -- once again
- tawatkë'ô' -- it appeared briefly
- nae -- indeed
- ne tsy'ktákö' -- a gray squirrel
- huikê -- this
- kayásö -- it is called
"Ëkate'sækêni' shô," waë' "ne' së'ë ëkáka't íwí."
"I'll take a shot at it," the other one said. "I think it will taste
- ëkate'sækêni' -- I'll take a shot at it
- shô -- just
- waë' -- he said
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- së'ë -- because
- ëkáka't -- it will taste good
- íwí -- I think
"Ukwényô wai ne utsi'syöwöhta' ëhsék khu."
"You can eat the brains too."
- ukwényô -- can
- wai -- indeed
- ne utsi'syöwöhta' -- the brains
- ëhsék -- you'll eat it
- khu -- and, too
Nae nö'yönishe't kyö'ö kës wányathsi'wáhák tha'kwistë' te'áníkë'.
For a long time, they say, they kept up their watch and didn't see anything.
- nae -- indeed
- nö'yönishe't -- a long time
- kyö'ö kës -- it is said
- wányathsi'wáhák -- they kept watching
- tha'kwistë' -- nothing
- te'áníkë' -- the two of them didn't see anything
Ne' ne hekákôt thusnye'ö, "Ne' nô u'ka'nyakë't huikê tsyu'ktákö'."
Finally the other one said, "I guess that squirrel got away."
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne -- grammatical particle
- hekákôt -- finally
- thusnye'ö -- he said
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- nô -- probably
- u'ka'nyakë't -- it escaped
- huikê -- this
- tsyu'ktákö' -- gray squirrel
"Ëtsityahtêti' shô."
"Let's go home."
- ëtsityahtêti' -- we'll go home
- shô -- just
Únë wányëöténi' ne'hu íkát ne tsyu'ktákö' kayásö saunöthsi'waë'.
Now they turned around and there the squirrel sat looking at them.
- únë -- then
- wányëöténi' -- the two of them turned around
- ne'hu -- there
- íkát -- it's standing
- ne tsyu'ktákö' -- the gray squirrel
- kayásö -- it is called
- saunöthsi'waë' -- it looked at them again
Shányëöténi' únë síkwá hu'wëëhtát.
When they turned around the squirrel ran away.
- shányëöténi' -- when the two of them turned around (variant of:
- únë -- then
- síkwá -- away
- hu'wëëhtát -- it took off running
"Akyé," waë'.
"Akyé," said the one.
- akyé -- gee, gosh
- waë' -- he said
"Ne' n-únë úya' ëkát ëtsityatuwæthe' únë hëhsathsi'wáê' n-ís'a ne'
ëtkathsi'wáê' n-í'a."
"Next time we go hunting, you look that way and I'll look this way."
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- n-únë -- then
- úya' ëkát -- another time, next time
- ëtsityatuwæthe' -- we will go hunting again
- únë -- then
- hëhsathsi'wáê' -- you'll look that way
- n-ís'a -- you
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ëtkathsi'wáê' -- I'll look this way
- n-í'a -- I
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