Niwakashææ'ö 01.25
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Aksút ákwe' wa'aknyáyákhe' ukau'kwa' kayásö ëkí utkææshæ'.
My grandmother and I went berry-picking and we picked dewberries as
they are called or blackberries.
- aksút -- my grandmother
- ákwe' -- we went
- wa'aknyáyákhe' -- we two went berry-picking
- ukau'kwa' -- dewberries
- kayásö -- it is called
- ëkí -- or
- utkææshæ' -- blackberries
Ne'hu wai ukau'kwa' íwí.
I think they were in fact dewberries.
- ne'hu -- there, that
- wai -- indeed
- ukau'kwa' -- dewberries
- íwí -- I think
Ta unë thsiyaknyáyás wa'aknyatyêêkwa si ne uhsikwêôt utehsa' ehnishêôwi'.
Well, while we were picking berries all of a sudden we found a
rattlesnake's nest.
- ta unë -- so then
- thsiyaknyáyás -- as we were picking berries
- wa'aknyatyêêkwa si -- we noticed all of a sudden
- ne uhsikwêôt -- rattlesnake
- utehsa' -- nest
- ëhnishêôwi' -- we'll find it
"Ne'hu ëtyatehsêthu' ne uhsikwêôt" u'ki'.
"Let's demolish that rattlesnake nest," I said.
- ne'hu -- there, that
- ëtyatehsêthu' -- we'll destroy the nest
- ne uhsikwêôt -- the rattlesnake
- u'ki' -- I said
"Ne'hu wai tyunöhsút ne uhsikwêôt," wa'ákë'.
"That is the rattlesnake's home," she said.
- ne'hu -- there, that
- wai -- indeed
- tyunöhsút -- its house there
- ne uhsikwêôt -- the rattlesnake
- wa'ákë' -- she said
"Ha'tekakôt ëhnísnyé'."
"We have to take care of it."
- ha'tekakôt -- have to
- ëhnísnyé' -- we two will take care of it
Ta unë u'ketsi'takênô' ne' unôyôs ne ukau'kwa'shö'ö kayásö.
Then I saw the birds eating the berries, the dewberries as they are
- ta unë -- so then
- u'këtsi'takênô' -- I saw a bunch of birds
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- unôyôs -- they're eating the berries
- ne ukau'kwa'shö'ö -- dewberries
- kayásö -- it is called
"Satkáthu he níyô nikáyaka'te' wésu' utíkhö' ne tsi'të'ööshö'ö."
"Look how many berries the birds are eating."
- satkáthu -- look
- he níyô -- how many
- nikáyaka'te' -- that many berries
- wésu' -- a lot, many
- utíkhö' -- they're eating them
- ne tsi'të'ööshö'ö -- the birds
"Nae utahôtö' ëyöknyatô's?"
"Will there be enough berries for us?"
- nae -- indeed
- utahôtö' -- there will be enough of it
- ëyöknyatô's -- we'll have enough of it
"Ne' ukau'kwa' unôhe' ne tsi'të'ööshö'ö," wa'ákë'.
"The dewberries are the birds' livelihood," she said.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ukau'kwa' -- dewberries
- unôhe' -- they are alive
- ne tsi'të'ööshö'ö -- the birds
- wa'ákë' -- she said
"Ukwényô unëö' ëhsék."
"You can eat corn."
- ukwényô -- can
- unëö' -- corn
- ëhsék -- you'll eat it
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