Niwakashææ'ö 01.36
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Ne' ne nu'yë wa'ökhyúwi' aakhwahá' ne unösta'shæ' kaaítö' këhéne
kanyu' kanëhtôtö'.
My mother taught me to mark the sassafras trees in the summer when the
leaves were on them.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne nu'yë -- my mother
- wa'ökhyúwi' -- she told me about it
- aakhwahá' -- I might tie it around it
- ne unösta'shæ' -- sassafras
- kaaítö' -- trees
- këhéne -- in summer
- kanyu' -- when
- kanëhtôtö' -- it has leaves on it
Ta unë këökne kanyu' wa'së's ne úânö', ukwenyöskô
aakekteu'kwát aakatéwatë' ne kushéne.
Then in the fall when the sap ran down, I could dig them for
the roots and keep them for winter.
- ta unë -- so then
- këökne -- in the fall
- kanyu' -- when
- wa'së's -- it falls down
- ne úânö' -- the sap
- ukwenyöskô -- it is easily possible
- aakekteu'kwát -- I might dig for roots
- aakatéwatë' -- I might store them away
- ne kushéne -- in winter
Tyawë'ö akökeshæ'ke akektéâyë' uka'ö nikasënu'tê, usthöö wai aakashúku'
I kept a pungent root in my pocket all the time, sometimes chewing on a
bit of it.
- tyawë'ö -- always
- akökeshæ'ke -- in my pocket
- akektéâyë' -- I have a root
- uka'ö -- it is delicious
- nikasënu'tê -- the kind of smell it has
- usthöö -- a little bit
- wai -- indeed
- aakashúku' kës -- I might frequently chew on it
Hesakááhu' kyëtéí wai niyu'tê ne usnö', ne' thë'ë tewakatöëtsúni
The next year I knew how to tell the bark without marking.
- hesakááhu' -- the next year (lit. "the cycle passed again")
- kyëtéí -- I know
- wai -- indeed
- niyu'tê -- the kind it is
- ne usnö' -- the bark
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- thë'ë -- not
- tewakatöëtsúni -- I need it
- aakhwahá' -- I might tie it around it
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