Niwakashææ'ö 01.38
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Ne' ne tewaténya'tsa's utôní utëönushækô nö'kôkwá ne kanö'kwai's
There were violets growing in the shade under the fig trees.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne tewaténya'tsa's -- violet
- utôní -- it's growing
- utëönushækô -- in the shade
- nö'kôkwá -- underneath
- ne kanö'kwai's -- fig
- kaaítö' -- trees
Ne'hu uehta'ke ushatë'ö te'unénö' khu, ne' kwá he ta'aö
The ground was damp and cool, but I was not allowed to go barefoot.
- ne'hu -- there
- uehta'ke -- on the ground
- ushatë'ö -- mist has fallen
- te'unénö' -- it's not warm
- khu -- and
- ne' kwá he -- but
- ta'aö -- can't
- aawakaska'shö'ö'he't -- I might get barefoot
Ne' ne kuhsi'tayénôs.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne kuhsi'tayénôs -- hookworm (lit. "it grabs people's feet")
Nae te'kanöke' ne kuhsi'tayénôs ne Työtahsehtahkwa'ke.
We didn't have hookworm in West Virginia.
- nae -- indeed
- te'kanöke' -- it doesn't live
- ne kuhsi'tayénôs -- hookworm
- ne Työtahsehtahkwa'ke -- in West Virginia
Ne' nô ne kaiôni akwashániskwa' he niyu'tê ne thatinöke' thiteatishánis.
Maybe that's why we were more afraid of it than the locals.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- nô -- maybe
- ne kaiôni -- that's why
- akwashániskwa' -- we used to be afraid of it
- he niyu'tê -- than
- ne thatinöke' -- they live there
- thiteatishánis -- they're unexpectedly not afraid of it
Te'wésu' nae te'utôní ne'hu ne tewaténya'tsa's.
We kept the violets under control, though.
- te'wésu' -- not much
- nae -- indeed
- te'utôní -- it's not growing
- ne'hu -- there
- ne tewaténya'tsa's -- violet
Thsiyutôní shô, ne' únë kakwékö nae wa'ákwák shô.
As fast as they spread, we ate them.
- thsiyutôní -- as it grows
- shô -- just
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- únë -- then
- kakwékö -- all
- nae -- indeed
- wa'ákwák -- we ate it
- shô -- just
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