Ne' n-únë thsishunöhtêtyô, nê nö'ôwë, únë n-uöya'keúnö'shä' N-
awëníyu' uyêtét hutatôní haya'tate' ne Juseph, uisëhtakôkwá;
hawëöhsé, Tista't, tetsya'tak n-aksa'aa, khu n-unu'ë; swate'ku,
Egypt työëtsate' hëswöte'kwashä'; ne'hu shô hëhsi'tyôta'k he
niyúwe' hësköúwi'; ne' së'ë, ne Herud ëuya'tihsák n-aksa'aa, ne
aaiwahtö't höhe'.
When they had left, then an angel of God made himself appear
to Joseph in a dream, and he said to him, Get up, take the little
boy and his mother, flee to the land of Egypt in exile, just
continue to stay there until I tell you, because Herod will look
for the little boy to cause him to lose his life.