Matthew 2:3

Ne', ti, n-únë ne Herud, ne kuwähkúwá shaiwaökhô' nêkê, wésu' u'thu'niköhëëhkwë'; hae'kwa, khu, kakwékö n-ôkwe he kanötayë' ne Jerusalem.

When Herod the king heard these things, he was very upset, and also all the people in the city of Jerusalem.

shaiwaökhô' nêkê, when he heard these things

thsiwakíwaökhö', when I've heard the news
thsiwakíwaökhös'ö, when I've finally heard the news
thsiwakíwaökhô', when I'd heard the news
thsikíwaökhö, when I hear the news
sha'kíwaökhô', when I heard the news
shëkíwaökhôk, when I'll keep hearing the news
shaakíwaökhô', when I would hear the news

wésu', greatly, very, much

uiwawésu', many things
úyatöshäwésu', many books
utsihsö'tawésu', many stars

u'thu'niköhëëhkwë', he was upset

tewakniköhëëhkwaní, I'm upset
tewakniköhëëhkwanis'ö, I've finally gotten upset
tewakniköhëëhkwanínö', I had been upset
tewakniköhëëhkwani, I'm (often) upset
u'twakniköhëëhkwë', I was upset
tëkniköhëëhkwaniák, I'll keep being upset
taakniköhëëhkwë', I would be upset

hae'kwa, khu, and also,
lit. "also and"

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