Niwakashææ'ö 01.19

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Ne' ne nu'yë teyakutöëtsúní wésu' hatiksa'shö'ö, ne' kwá he ne ha'ni thusnye'ö ne' wai te'ökwáwistayênö' te'ökwatö'se'ö.

My mother wanted more children, but my father thought we were too poor to have more.


Ne' wai kaiôni wa'eksa'takwa'hô' ne hatiksa'tasnyestahkwa'.

So my mother got them from the welfare services.


Ne' ne tyutyeëhtö yeksa'aa wa'akwaksa'taku', ne' ne utöni'aa tyuhtô níyô niyakuwêni'tya'kö, ne' ne niyæ'aa kunööktáni teyakuhsëthwaskô.

The first one we had was a nine-month-old baby girl that was sick and cried a lot.


Akwas u'tkatúkë kës ëkhésnyé'.

I tried desparately to take care of her.


Ne' ne työkwanöhsút íwí nö'tewatëtae' tye'tyôtak.

I think we had her for a week.


Ta unë wa'ökwaku' së niatiksa'také, ne' ne téní aöhö'ö hnuwánë nínya' he nikya'tu'tê ne' khu ne niu'uu haksa'aa.

Then we got three boys, two bigger than I and one smaller.


Ne' ne hakëhtsi wáákyët ne aketkwista'ke.

The bigger one hit me in the stomach.


Waenyathsís wáéyët ne hu'kê' hutkwista'ke.

I promptly got revenge by hitting his little brother in the stomach.


Ta unë wáétê' ne' kaiôni aké'ö ne' aöhö'ö aaéyët huikê ne'hu wáátyé' aaenyáthsís.

Then I felt sorry for him and decided that revenge is best got on the perpetrator himself.

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