Niwakashææ'ö 01.33
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Këötastê' yöëtsa'ke tuskëö ëthsyö' kës n-ëkahatáték.
There was a great fallen tree not far from the entrance of the woods.
- këötastê' -- big tree, big log
- yöëtsa'ke -- on the ground
- tuskëö -- right nearby
- ëthsyö' kës -- you will frequently enter
- n-ëkahatáték -- the woods will continue to be there
Te'kasnöyë' kwá he utkë'sæhkö teka'hahtáké niyu'tê waskuö.
Its trunk had completely lost its bark even though two thick branches
held it up like a bridge towards the sky.
- te'kasnöyë' -- it has no bark
- kwá he -- but
- utkë'sæhkö -- it supports it
- teka'hahtáké -- two branches
- niyu'tê -- the kind it is
- waskuö -- a bridge
Thsisatkêyát ukwenyônö' tawatkë'ô' kës ne kayêthö, n-ëkëötayëthwahsék
ne kanö'kwai's, khu ne kakêêt kanöhsút ne uyêta' kasyönya'tö.
From the top of it you could just see, through an opening in the
leaves, a glimpse of our garden, the fig trees, and the white framed
- thsisatkêyát -- when you're on top of it
- ukwenyônö' -- it was possible
- tawatkë'ô' kës -- it is frequently briefly visible
- ne kayêthö -- the garden
- n-ëkëötayëthwahsék -- the orchard will continue to be there
- ne kanö'kwai's -- fig
- khu -- and
- ne kakêêt -- it's white
- kanöhsút -- house
- ne uyêta' -- wood
- kasyönya'tö -- it's made out of it
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