Niwakashææ'ö 01.43


Ogla Dempsey McElwain hayásö ne ha'ni, ne' kwá teanöe's sôká' nê kunöhtö'.

My father's name is Ogla Dempsey McElwain, but he doesn't like anyone to know about it.


Thsië'työ' ne hekææhkwë'ske wa'uyë'hi'k nö'éyatô' ne' ne Olga thë'ë nae Ogla he waöwökáya's ëö'sehti'se' kës.

When he was living in Oklahoma and got a new driver's license, they wrote his name wrong, Olga instead of Ogla.


Te'wêtö ukwényô ëhsyátô' kawënö'shö'ö ökwe'öwékhá', ne' hae'kwa kaiwanúô' ësashææ'sék.

Indian names are impossible to spell and nearly as hard to remember.


Ta unë thsisáyahkét sáníyö' ne Työtahsehtahkwa'ke ha'tekakôt ahsö' ëkát ëöwökáya's ëö'sehti'se' kës.

So when they moved back to West Virginia, he had to get a new driver's license.


Wa'éyatô' waöwôôtô' ne' huikê kakwékö thsa'tkát.

The lady filled out the papers and asked him to check if everything was right.


Ne' teukaistayë', ne' kaiôni wa'ötéyës ne nu'yë.

He didn't have his glasses, so my mother checked them.


"Nae thë'ë teayasö Olga," wa'ákë'.

She said, "But his name isn't Olga."


"Ne'hu wai káyátö' he waöwökáya's ëö'sehti'se' kës.

"Well, that's what it is on his earlier license.


Tyëëkwa nae ne'hu teayasö, ha'tekakôt ëskniyêôni' ne káyátö' wai waënökât."

If that's not his name you'll have to bring in his birth certificate."


Wauhkaië ne ha'ni.

My father was mad.


"Të'ë kúwá ne'hu u'sheyëös?

"Why did you tell her that?


Olga ëkí Ogla, tekniyashé kës wáétkë'.

It doesn't matter whether it says Olga or Ogla, one's as bad as the other.


Ha'tekakôt únë nëkhu ëtsityahkét."

Now we've got to go to the trouble of coming in again for nothing."


Ta unë tkanöhsút huikê káyátö' waënökât ne'hu Ogla káyátö' wáníkë'.

Well, when they got home they discovered that his first name was Ogla alright, right there on the birth certificate.


Ne' kwá he thë'ë thsa'teyuhtö ne hutôní huhsênö'.

Only the last name was spelled wrong.


"Të'ë aatiyéâ't ne kakêêt shô ta unë ukwényô aatsitíyatô' ta unë tëtiyashe'tak shô?"

"What about putting that white stuff on it and writing over it and then making a photocopy?"


Ne'hu wai nôôníyé'.

So that's what they did.


Ta unë wáníkë' ne' thsa'teyuhtö ne hayásö káyátö' ne waöwökáya's hahtêtye's. Ta unë hösáyahkét.

Then they discovered the name was right on his passport, so they just took that in.


Ne' ne uiwanëëkwat shô waöwökáya's wai ëö'sehti'se' kës káyátö' ne huhsênö' ne' ne thsa'teyuhtö.

It was a wonder, but they accepted his passport and gave him a driver's license with his real name on it.


"Të'e kúwá seskátkwë's?" wa'ákë' ne nu'yë.

"What are you grinning about?" said my mother.


"Thsa'tkát shô kakwékö ne waökaötönyô'," thusnye'ö.

"I didn't miss a single question on the written test" he said.

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