Niwakashææ'ö 01.44
It was snowing.
Te'aö únë katka'hu ëhsæhkwakë'.
You couldn't see the sun anywhere.
- te'aö -- can't
- únë -- then
- katka'hu -- anywhere
- ëhsæhkwakë' -- you'll see the sun
Ne' wai ne kaiôni hawé'ö ne Kwa'yöö' hëöihsákha'.
That's why rabbit decided to go out looking for it.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- wai -- indeed
- ne kaiôni -- that's why
- hawé'ö -- he decided
- ne kwa'yöö' -- rabbit
- hëöihsákha' -- he'll go out and look for it
"Ne' ki'shë' ëyu'kyêta't ëkæhkwakë' shô," waë' ne Kwa'yöö'.
"Maybe it will stop snowing if I find the sun," said rabbit.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ki'shë' -- perhaps
- ëyu'kyêta't -- it will stop snowing
- ëkæhkwakë' -- I'll find the sun
- shô -- just
- waë' -- he said
- ne kwa'yöö' -- the rabbit
"Kuwe! Uthehtúô'! Ne' nae katka'hu u'sæhkwakë'?"
"Ho! Groundhog! Have you seen the sun anywhere?"
- kuwe -- hey there
- uthehtúô' -- groundhog
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- nae -- indeed
- katka'hu -- anywhere
- u'sæhkwakë' -- you saw the sun
"Thë'ë shô. Të'ë kúwá u'skatesëhtúwi'?"
"No, why did you wake me up?"
- thë'ë -- no, not
- shô -- just
- të'ë kúwá -- why?
- u'skatesëhtúwi' -- you woke me up
Ta unë sayúta' ne uthehtúô'.
And the groundhog went to sleep again.
- ta unë -- so then
- sayúta' -- it went back to sleep
- ne uthehtúô' -- groundhog
Ne' ne Kwa'yöö' huthaines'ö ne unöta'ke.
Rabbit went up the mountain.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne kwa'yöö' -- rabbit
- huthaines'ö -- he finally walked
- ne unöta'ke -- on the mountain
Tááyö' wai héôwe tyuta'ö ne nyakwai'.
He came to the place where the bear was sleeping.
- tááyö' -- he arrived there
- wai -- indeed
- héôwe -- where
- tyuta'ö -- it's sleeping there
- ne nyakwai' -- bear
"Kuwe! Nyakwai'! Ne' nae katka'hu u'sæhkwakë'?"
"Ho! Bear! Have you seen the sun anywhere?"
- kuwe -- hey there
- nyakwai' -- bear
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- nae -- indeed
- katka'hu -- anywhere
- u'sæhkwakë' -- you saw the sun
"Thë'ë shô. Të'ë kúwá u'skatesëhtúwi'?"
"No, why did you wake me up?"
- thë'ë -- no, not
- shô -- just
- të'ë kúwá -- why?
- u'skatesëhtúwi' -- you woke me up
Ta unë sayúta' ne nyakwai'.
And the bear went to sleep again.
- ta unë -- so then
- sayúta' -- it went back to sleep
- ne nyakwai' -- the bear
Ne' ne skëhôti hwae' ne Kwa'yöö'.
Rabbit went across the river.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne skëhôti -- the other side of the river
- hwae' -- he went over there
- ne kwa'yöö' -- the rabbit
"Kuwe! Unökanya'kö! Ne' nae katka'hu u'sæhkwakë'?"
"Ho! Beaver! Have you seen the sun anywhere?"
- kuwe -- hey there
- unökanya'kö -- beaver
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- nae -- indeed
- katka'hu -- anywhere
- u'sæhkwakë' -- you saw the sun
"Thë'ë shô. Të'ë kúwá u'skatesëhtúwi'?"
"No, why did you wake me up?"
- thë'ë -- no, not
- shô -- just
- të'ë kúwá -- why?
- u'skatesëhtúwi' -- you woke me up
Ta unë u'kakwiyækatye'sék ne unökanya'kö.
And the beaver went on eating twigs.
- ta unë -- so then
- u'kakwiyækatye'sék -- it kept on going along eating twigs
- ne unökanya'kö -- the beaver
Wáátyê' ne Kwa'yöö' tëöya'túwét.
Rabbit sat down to think.
- wáátyê' -- he sat down
- ne kwa'yöö' -- the rabbit
- tëöya'túwét -- he'll think it over
Ne' ne ti'tí' waatsi'taka'êyô' ne' ne këöta'ke wai káát.
He noticed Bluejay in the tree.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne ti'tí' -- bluejay
- waatsi'taka'êyô' -- he noticed the bird
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- ne këöta'ke -- in the tree
- wai -- indeed
- káát -- it's perched on it
"Kuwe! Ti'tí'! Ne' nae katka'hu u'sæhkwakë'?"
"Ho! Bluejay! Have you seen the sun anywhere?"
- kuwe -- hey there
- ti'tí' -- bluejay
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- nae -- indeed
- katka'hu -- anywhere
- usæhkwakë' -- you saw the sun
Ne' wai wa'ukahkaië ne ti'tí' u'thueet shô.
The Bluejay got excited and started shouting.
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- wai -- indeed
- wa'ukahkaië -- it got excited, annoyed (should perhaps be: wa'uhkaië)
- ne ti'tí' -- bluejay
- u'thueet -- he shouted
- shô -- just
"Të'ë kúwá ëhsehéák ne' hewakönëhtö n-í'a?"
"What makes you think I swallowed it?"
- të'ë kúwá -- why?
- ëhsehéák -- you will think
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- hewakönëhtö -- I swallowed it
- n-í'a -- I, me
Ne'hu wai thsithusnye'ö ne' wai wa'utyéô' hu'kææhkwë't thsiteyuskææ'wë.
When he said that, the sun accidentally dropped out of his mouth.
- ne'hu -- that
- wai -- indeed
- thsithusnye'ö -- when he said it
- ne' -- grammatical particle
- wai -- indeed
- wa'utyéô' -- it happened by accident
- hu'kææhkwë't -- the sun appeared
- thsiteyuskææ'wë -- when it opened its mouth
U'yu'kyêta't shô wa'utuka'the't.
It stopped snowing and the sky cleared up.
- u'yu'kyêta't -- it stopped snowing
- shô -- just
- wa'utuka'the't -- it cleared up
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